Results for 'Rachel Fulton Brown'

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  1.  20
    Cynthia Robinson, Imagining the Passion in a Multiconfessional Castile: The Virgin, Christ, Devotions, and Images in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2013. Pp. x, 466; 80 black-and-white figures. $99.95. ISBN: 978-0-271-05410-0. [REVIEW]Rachel Fulton Brown - 2014 - Speculum 89 (3):817-819.
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    Praying with Anselm at Admont: A Meditation on Practice.Rachel Fulton - 2006 - Speculum 81 (3):700-733.
  3. Brief Notices.Rachel Fulton & Bruce W. Holsinger - 2008 - Speculum 83 (1):263.
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    " Quae est ista quae ascendit sicut aurora consurgens?": The Song of Songs as the historia for the Office of the Assumption.Rachel Fulton - 1998 - Mediaeval Studies 60 (1):55-122.
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    Information Integration in Modulation of Pragmatic Inferences During Online Language Comprehension.Rachel Ryskin, Chigusa Kurumada & Sarah Brown-Schmidt - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12769.
    Upon hearing a scalar adjective in a definite referring expression such as “the big…,” listeners typically make anticipatory eye movements to an item in a contrast set, such as a big glass in the context of a smaller glass. Recent studies have suggested that this rapid, contrastive interpretation of scalar adjectives is malleable and calibrated to the speaker's pragmatic competence. In a series of eye‐tracking experiments, we explore the nature of the evidence necessary for the modulation of pragmatic inferences in (...)
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    Is knowledge a barrier to implementing low back pain guidelines? Assessing the knowledge of Israeli family doctors.Rachel Dahan, Shmuel Reis, Jeffry Borkan, Judith-Bell Brown, Doron Hermoni, Nadia Mansor & Stewart Harris - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):785-791.
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    The malleability of linguistic representations poses a challenge to the priming-based experimental approach.Rachel Ryskin & Sarah Brown-Schmidt - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Reproducing the national family: kinship claims, development discourse and migrant caregivers in Palestine/israel.Rachel H. Brown - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (3):247-268.
    This article probes the politics of the migrant caregiver/citizen-employer relationship in Palestine/israel as it unfolds within the Jewish-Israeli home. Based on interviews with migrants from the Philippines, Nepal, India and Sri Lanka and their Jewish-Israeli employers, I examine how Israel’s ethno-racially hierarchical citizenship regime and the transnational gendering and racialisation of carework manifest in this relationship. I begin by situating migrant women working as caregivers within the legal and political context of Palestine/israel, delineating how gendered constructions of the Jewish-Israeli woman (...)
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    The challenge of using the low back pain guidelines: a qualitative research.Rachel Dahan, Jeffry Borkan, Judith-Bell Brown, Shmuel Reis, Doron Hermoni & Stewart Harris - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):616-620.
  10. The Extension of Liberalism Beyond Domestic Boundaries: Three Problem Cases.Rachel M. Brown - 1999 - Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Liberalism, in any of its forms, places a strong emphasis on the individual---it prioritizes equal rights and liberties, and measures are taken to assure for all citizens the opportunity to make full use of their freedoms and entitlements. Many conceptions of human rights are objected to on the grounds that they are based on liberal premises, and insufficiently sensitive to the fact of reasonable cultural pluralism. ;Using as a foil recent work in this area by John Rawls, I argue in (...)
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    Listeners use speaker identity to access representations of spatial perspective during online language comprehension.Rachel A. Ryskin, Ranxiao Frances Wang & Sarah Brown-Schmidt - 2016 - Cognition 147 (C):75-84.
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  12. The Virgin Mary in Late Medieval and Early Modern English Literature and Popular Culture. [REVIEW]Rachel Brown - 2012 - The Medieval Review 2.
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    The politics of care.Deva Woodly, Rachel H. Brown, Mara Marin, Shatema Threadcraft, Christopher Paul Harris, Jasmine Syedullah & Miriam Ticktin - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (4):890-925.
    Editors Rachel Brown and Deva Woodly bring together Mara Marin, Shatema Threadcraft, Christopher Paul Harris, Jasmine Syedullah, and Miriam Ticktin to examine the question: what would be required for care to be an ethic and political practice that orients people to a new way of living, relating, and governing? The answer they propose is that a 21st-century approach to the politics of care must aim at unmaking racial capitalism, cisheteropatriarchy, the carceral state, and the colonial present. The politics (...)
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    Auditory and motor imagery modulate learning in music performance.Rachel M. Brown & Caroline Palmer - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  15. The emplotted self: Self-deception and self-knowledge.Rachel Brown - 2003 - Philosophical Papers 32 (3):279-300.
    Abstract The principal aim of this paper is to give a positive analysis of self-deception. I argue that self-deception is a species ?self-emplotment?. Through narrative self-emplotment one groups the events of one's life thematically in order to understand and monitor oneself. I argue that self-emplotment is an unextraordinary feature of mental life that is a precondition of agency. Self-emplotment, however, proceeds according to certain norms, some of which provide apparent justification for self-deceptive activity. A secondary aim of the paper is (...)
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  16. Libralism and the Right to Secede.Rachel Brown - unknown - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 16.
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    Thinking with the Intimacy Contract: Social Contract Critique and the Privatization of US Empire.Rachel H. Brown - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (6):692-722.
    This essay considers how an “intimacy contract,” as a conceptual tool and a political reality, extends existing critiques of the social contract tradition by accounting for the privatized nature of the post-9/11 US empire. Examining critiques by Carole Pateman and Charles Mills, I argue that an intimacy contract uncovers the coercive power relations underlying neoliberal discourses of entrepreneurial freedom. Focusing on migrant labor on US military bases, I provide an overview of the racial, sexual, and settler contracts and the need (...)
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  18. The Cult of the Mother of God in Byzantium: Texts and Images. [REVIEW]Rachel Brown - 2012 - The Medieval Review 10.
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    Akira Akabayashi, MD, Ph. D., is Professor in the Department of Biomedical Ethics at the School of Health Science and Nursing, University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, and Professor at the School of Public Health, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan. [REVIEW]Rachel A. Ankeny, M. L. S. Bette Anton, Ana Borovecki, Alister Browne, Debora Diniz, Elisa J. Gordon, Matti Häyry & Steve Heilig - 2004 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13:215-217.
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    Akira Akabayashi, MD, Ph. D., is Professor in the Department of Biomedical Ethics at the School of Health Science and Nursing at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, and Professor at the School of Public Health, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan. [REVIEW]Rachel A. Ankeny, M. L. S. Bette Anton, Alister Browne, Nuket Buken, Murat Civaner, Arthur R. Derse, Brent Dickson, Dan Eastwood, Todd Gilmer & Michael L. Gross - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12:229-231.
  21. A remembrance of dishes past.Rachel D. Brown - 2024 - In Jason W. M. Ellsworth & Andie Alexander, Fabricating authenticity. Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
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    Poem: The Lady in Pink.Rachel Brown - 2011 - Medical Humanities 37 (2):72.
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    Righting Ecofeminist Ethics.Rachel Brown - 2004 - Environmental Ethics 26 (3):247-265.
    Rights have been criticized as incorporating features that are antithetical to ecofeminism: rights are allegedly inherently adversarial; they are based on a conception of the person that fails to reflect women’s experience, biased in an illegitimate way toward humans rather than nonhumans, overly formal, and incapable of admitting the importance of emotion in ethics. Such criticisms are founded in misunderstandings of the ways in which rights operate and may be met by an adequate theory of rights. The notions of entitlement (...)
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    James A. Chamberlain, Undoing Work, Rethinking Community: A Critique of the Social Function of Work (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2018). [REVIEW]James Chamberlain, Rachel H. Brown, Maria Rosales, David Frayne, Samuel Arnold & Marek D. Steedman - 2019 - Critical Horizons 20 (4):366-387.
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  25. Paul C. Reinert, SJ Center for Teaching Excellence Saint Louis University.Sara L. Bagley, Carrie M. Brown, Brandon Smit & Rachel E. Tennial - forthcoming - Mind.
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  26. Scientific change: Philosophical models and historical research.Larry Laudan, Arthur Donovan, Rachel Laudan, Peter Barker, Harold Brown, Jarrett Leplin, Paul Thagard & Steve Wykstra - 1986 - Synthese 69 (2):141 - 223.
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    Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard. A Nineteenth Century Neurologist and EndocrinologistJ. M. D. Olmsted.John Fulton - 1948 - Isis 39 (3):187-188.
  28. Wendy Brown, Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire Reviewed by.Rachel Lawlor - 2007 - Philosophy in Review 27 (5):320-322.
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    “A Lab of Our Own”: Environmental Causation of Breast Cancer and Challenges to the Dominant Epidemiological Paradigm.Laura Senier, Rebecca Gasior Altman, Rachel Morello-Frosch, Stephen Zavestoski, Brian Mayer, Sabrina McCormick & Phil Brown - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (5):499-536.
    There are challenges to the dominant research paradigm in breast cancer science. In the United States, science and social activism create paradigmatic shifts. Using interviews, ethnographic observations, and an extensive review of the literature, we create a three-dimensional model to situate changes in scientific controversy concerning environmental causes of breast cancer. We identify three paradigm challenges posed by activists and some scientists: to move debates about causation upstream to address causes; to shift emphasis from individual to modifiable societal-level factors beyond (...)
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    EARSHOT: A Minimal Neural Network Model of Incremental Human Speech Recognition.James S. Magnuson, Heejo You, Sahil Luthra, Monica Li, Hosung Nam, Monty Escabí, Kevin Brown, Paul D. Allopenna, Rachel M. Theodore, Nicholas Monto & Jay G. Rueckl - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (4):e12823.
    Despite the lack of invariance problem (the many‐to‐many mapping between acoustics and percepts), human listeners experience phonetic constancy and typically perceive what a speaker intends. Most models of human speech recognition (HSR) have side‐stepped this problem, working with abstract, idealized inputs and deferring the challenge of working with real speech. In contrast, carefully engineered deep learning networks allow robust, real‐world automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, the complexities of deep learning architectures and training regimens make it difficult to use them to (...)
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  31. Introduction to Education: Knowledge, Practice, Engagement.Heather Sharp, Noelene Weatherby-Fell, Jennifer Charteris, Bernard Brown, Sue Hudson, Jason Lodge, Lisa McKay-Brown, Tracey Sempowicz, Rachel Buchanan, Scott Imig, Peter Hudson, Michaela Vergana & Michael Walsh - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Introduction to Education provides pre-service teachers with an overview of the context, craft and practice of teaching in Australian schools as they commence the journey from learner to classroom teacher. Each chapter poses questions about the nature of teaching students, and guides readers though the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Incorporating recent research and theoretical literature, Introduction to Education presents a critical consideration of the professional, policy and curriculum contexts of teaching in Australia. The book covers theoretical topics in chapters (...)
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    Thought Experiments.Rachel Cooper - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (3):328-347.
    : This article seeks to explain how thought experiments work, and also the reasons why they can fail. It is divided into four sections. The first argues that thought experiments in philosophy and science should be treated together. The second examines existing accounts of thought experiments and shows why they are inadequate. The third proposes a better account of thought experiments. According to this account, a thought experimenter manipulates her worldview in accord with the “what if” questions posed by a (...)
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    Descartes and the Passionate Mind. By Deborah J. Brown[REVIEW]Rachel Paine - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (1):138-139.
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    Rachel Laudan. From Mineralogy to Geology: the Foundations of a Science, 1650–1830. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1987. Pp. xii + 278. ISBN 0-226-46950-6. £21.95; $32.95 in Europe. [REVIEW]Janet Browne - 1989 - British Journal for the History of Science 22 (1):105-106.
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    A Modest Proposal.Rachel Cooper - 2017 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (3):207-209.
    There are many points on which I agree with Kayali Browne. I agree that value judgments necessarily play a role in constructing a classification such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. I agree that people with different backgrounds and interests are likely to assess problems differently and that it would be a good idea for a more diverse body of people to have some involvement in revising the DSM. I agree that philosophers might usefully play a role (...)
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    A Dash of Virtual Milk: Altering Product Color in Virtual Reality Influences Flavor Perception of Cold-Brew Coffee.Qian Janice Wang, Rachel Meyer, Stuart Waters & David Zendle - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It is well known that the appearance of food, particularly its color, can influence flavor perception and identification. However, food studies involving the manipulation of product color face inevitable limitations, from extrinsic flavors introduced by food coloring to the cost in development time and resources in order to produce different product variants. One solution lies in modern virtual reality technology, which has become increasingly accessible, sophisticated, and widespread over the past years. In the present study, we investigated whether making a (...)
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  37. Fake news, conceptual engineering, and linguistic resistance: reply to Pepp, Michaelson and Sterken, and Brown.Joshua Habgood-Coote - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (4):488-516.
    ABSTRACT In Habgood-Coote : 1033–1065) I argued that we should abandon ‘fake news’ and ‘post-truth’, on the grounds that these terms do not have stable public meanings, are unnecessary, and function as vehicles for propaganda. Jessica Pepp, Eliot Michaelson, and Rachel Sterken and Étienne Brown : 144–154) have raised worries about my case for abandonment, recommending that we continue using ‘fake news’. In this paper, I respond to these worries. I distinguish more clearly between theoretical and political reasons (...)
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    Homology and the evolutionary process: reply to Haig, Love and Brown on “Homology, Genes and Evolutionary Innovation”.Günter P. Wagner - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (6):901-912.
    This paper responds to the essay reviews by David Haig, Alan Love and Rachel Brown of my recently published book “Homology, Genes and Evolutionary Innovation”. The issues addressed here relate to: the notion of classes and individuals, issues of explanatory value of adaptive and structuralist explanations in evolutionary biology, the role of homology in evolutionary theory, the limits of a pluralist stance vis a vis alternative explanations of homology, as well as the question whether and to what extend (...)
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    (24 other versions)The Prince.Niccolò Machiavelli - 1640 - New York: Humanity Books. Edited by W. K. Marriott.
    "This is an excellent, readable and vigorous translation of _The Prince_, but it is much more than simply a translation. The map, notes and guide to further reading are crisp, to-the-point and yet nicely comprehensive. The inclusion of the letter to Vettori is most welcome. But, above all, the Introduction is so gripping and lively that it has convinced me to include _The Prince_ in my syllabus for History of Western Civilization the next time that I teach it.... Great price, (...)
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    Ethics briefing – December 2021.Dominic Norcliffe-Brown, Sophie Brannan, Martin Davies, Veronica English, Caroline Ann Harrison & Julian C. Sheather - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (2):150-152.
    In a recent judgment1 the Court of Protection was highly critical of health professionals for continuing to provide clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration in the face of disagreement about the patient’s best interests, without seeking to resolve the issue. This hearing had been set up specifically to consider whether GU’s dignity had been properly protected, and if not why not, given concerns raised by the Official Solicitor about what she considered to be “a complete abrogation of responsibility to consider properly or (...)
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    No face-like processing for objects-of-expertise in three behavioural tasks.Rachel Robbins & Elinor McKone - 2007 - Cognition 103 (1):34-79.
  42. Francis Hutcheson in Dublin, 1719–1730: the Crucible of his Thought.Michael Brown - 2002
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  43. Extracted Speech.Rachel Ann McKinney - 2016 - Social Theory and Practice 42 (2):258-284.
    Much recent philosophical work argues that power constrains speech—pornography silences women, testimonial injustice thwarts a speaker’s transmission of knowledge, bias distorts the performative force of subordinated speech. Though the constraints that power places on speech are serious, power also enables some speech. Power doesn’t just keep us from speaking—it also makes us speak. In this paper I explore how power produces, rather than constrains, speech. I discuss a kind of speech I call extracted speech: speech that is unjustly elicited from (...)
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    Bioethics, (Funding) Priorities, and the Perpetuation of Injustice.Rachel Fabi & Daniel S. Goldberg - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (1):6-13.
    If funding allocation is an indicator of a field’s priorities, then the priorities of the field of bioethics are misaligned because they perpetuate injustice. Social justice mandates priority for the factors that drive systematic disadvantage, which tend not to be the areas supported by funding within academic bioethics. Current funding priorities violate social justice by overemphasizing technologies that aim to enhance the human condition without addressing underlying structural inequalities grounded in racism, and by deemphasizing areas of inquiry most frequently pursued (...)
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    Conversational Coherency.Rachel Reichman - 1978 - Cognitive Science 2 (4):283-327.
    A major goal of this work is to specify some steps of the process by which participants maintain coherency in their conversations.The underlying element of the analysis is a construct called a “context space.” Roughly, a group of utterances that refers to a single issue or episode forms the basis for a context space. Superficially, a conversation is a sequence of utterances; at a deeper level it is a structured entity whose utterances can be parsed into hierarchically related context spaces.As (...)
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    Young children's conceptions of knowledge.Rachel Dudley - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (6):e12494.
    How should knowledge be analyzed? Compositionally, as having constituents like belief and justification, or as an atomic concept? In making arguments for or against these perspectives, epistemologists have begun to use experimental evidence from developmental psychology and developmental linguistics. If we were to conclude that knowledge were developmentally prior to belief, then we might have a good basis to claim that belief is not a constituent of knowledge. In this review, I present a broad range of developmental evidence from the (...)
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    “Wide Open to Life”: Thomas Merton’s Dialogue of Contemplative Practice.Judith Simmer-Brown - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:193-203.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Wide Open to Life”:Thomas Merton’s Dialogue of Contemplative PracticeJudith Simmer-BrownThrough my decades of Tibetan Buddhist practice and interreligious dialogue experience, I have often contemplated an encounter that took place in a bar in the Central Hotel in Calcutta, October 19, 1968. It is the encounter between Thomas Merton in the last year of his life with my Tibetan Buddhist teacher, Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, early in his teaching career in (...)
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    Psychiatry and Philosophy of Science.Rachel Cooper - 2007 - Routledge.
    "Psychiatry and Philosophy of Science" explores conceptual issues in psychiatry from the perspective of analytic philosophy of science. Through an examination of those features of psychiatry that distinguish it from other sciences - for example, its contested subject matter, its particular modes of explanation, its multiple different theoretical frameworks, and its research links with big business - Rachel Cooper explores some of the many conceptual, metaphysical and epistemological issues that arise in psychiatry. She shows how these pose interesting challenges (...)
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    The Dark Abyss of Time: The History of the Earth and the History of Nations from Hooke to Vico. Paolo Rossi, Lydia Cochrane.Rachel Laudan - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (4):644-645.
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    Castita della musica.Merle Brown - 1963 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 21 (4):495-496.
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